The City of Evanston Arts Council granted us a Pop-Up Grant to three artists in Summer 2018. The effort is to have an interactive project with the public.
In this case, we designed and installed a mural titled “About Perspective“. It is located at the northwest corner of Custer and Main Streets in Evanston.
It is a blackboard painted surface with white painted geometric shapes. On top of the blackboard is a piece of elastic that is stretched from side to side of the 16 foot mual.
How do you interact with it?
Walk up to the mural and draw a vertical line. Then pull down on the elastic and draw diagonals from the top of the vertical line, following the angle of the elastic. Do the same thing for the bottom point of the vertical line This will create accurate 3D lines for a building shape. Then draw two vertical lines at the right side and left side to make a quadrangle on each side of the original vertical line. Voila! You can draw 3D just like an architect!
Here are details:
Let us know if you like the mural and want one just like it in your town.