architivity kit from archKIDecture

architivity kits for KIDS

archKIDecture, our built environment education project for kids, designed and distributed a bunch of kits for hands-on building projects during the pandemic. Designed to encourage creative ideas, silliness and fun, we assembled a bunch of stuff you might find around the house, sewed up some drawstring backs, wrote out some instructions and distributed them around the neighborhood.

Suggested projects include card houses, structures with popsicle sticks and clothespins, and drawing experiences based on grids and boxes.

architivity instructions sheet
copyright Julie Cowan, archKIDecture

Our goal is always to help kids to see that the built environment surrounds them, that design is everywhere, and that architecture is fun to explore. And maybe they will learn some STEM stuff along the way.

archKIDecture has lots of interesting stories to explore. Check out the archKIDecture website for more projects, ideas and inspiration.