Printmaking in Action Took this little video while printing to share the mystery and excitement of creating a print…
Playing with archKIDecture at the Chicago Cultural Center Join us at the 2019 Chicago Architecture Biennial with hands-on activities for the whole family. archKIDecture…
Palimpsest Series A new word that I discovered and relish is palimpsest.According to Websters Dictionary, the definition of…
Floorplans Underway We will be coloring large-scale floorplans of the Chicago Cultural Center with any kids who come…
artruck is back! July 13, 2019 Our annual artruck event is on Saturday, July 13, 7-10pm. All are welcome for art, conversation,…
artruck INSIDE on February 23, 2019 artruck INSIDE took place on Saturday, February 23, 2019. 7-10pm. This time it was artruck INSIDE:…
Small Work at Guthrie’s Tavern in Chicago A few small prints are hanging at Guthrie’s Tavern in Chicago for February/March 2019. You may…
Drawing Thanksgiving In an effort to encourage conversation and creative experience, we placed painted and drawn surfaces on…
October 2018 Art Show at Vivid ArtGallery My work is showing in a two person show at Vivid Art Gallery in Winnetka, Illinois.…
About Perspective Pop-Up Mural The City of Evanston Arts Council granted us a Pop-Up Grant to three artists in Summer…
Picturing Evanston Feature Photographer Joerg Metzger’s project, Picturing Evanston, features artists in their studios and other artistic endeavors in…
artruck July 2018 artruck July 14, 2018 was a fantastic night. Warm weather, clear skies, so many people talking…
Recent Art Commission April 2018 Just completed a commission for this large print piece, 44 x 60, for the home of…
artruck Event at Bucephalus Bikes On a cold night in February 2018, community members were invited to view 40 artist works…
Drawing at Soup Kitchen We have been working to get some portraits colored at the Soup at Six soup kitchen…
Infographics about Human Trafficking Built for an academic paper about human trafficking. these two infographics were published in 2017.…
Golden Crown in National Print Exhibit 2018 My work, “Golden Crown” has been accepted to show in the “Impressions 2018 National Printmaking Exhibition.”…
Exhibit in Winnetka Gallery A few pieces of my art work hang at the Vivid Gallery in Winnetka, Illinois. The…